Thieves Might Be Staking You Out

Burglary is very common around the nation. There are about 4-5 burglaries in homes every minute, so you naturally would want to know how you can avoid becoming the next homeowner that has to go through that experience. Fortunately, there are a lot of statistics that...

How Ladders Can Hurt You

Most of us don’t think too much about safety when we climb a ladder. It seems like a simple enough task, but did you know that falls from ladders are a major cause of injury and death to homeowners? There are many things to think about to make sure that you don’t...

A Safe Playground

Growing up, you probably loved playing in a playground, and you might want the same for your children. It is great for them to play outdoors, both for their physical stamina, as well as, for their respiratory system. So if you have a playground on your property, do...

BBQ In (Safe) Style

Who doesn’t love spending some time in the backyard at the grill? Nothing really makes you feel more like summer than having some grilled food for supper. Depending on your preference, you might use a gas grill, a charcoal grill or even an electric grill. Here are...

Water Can Damage Your Home

Water is something we all use every day, but it can also do great harm to your home. Rot, mold and rust are the most common issues you see from water damage, but there are many other issues that it can cause. Unfortunately, there are also many different causes for...

Keeping Children Safe In Your Home

Is there anything you, as a parent, can do that will make your children safer? Of course, the safety of your children is of foremost concern to you, but this doesn’t mean that there isn’t room for improvement. Every year there are many accidents involving children...
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