Most of us don’t think too much about safety when we climb a ladder. It seems like a simple enough task, but did you know that falls from ladders are a major cause of injury and death to homeowners? There are many things to think about to make sure that you don’t become part of that statistic.

Safe use of a ladder starts from the ground up. You don’t want to climb a ladder that is not level or that is standing on a soft or unstable surface. It might seem ok from where you are standing, but when your weight is up at the top of the ladder, it could tip over.

Next, you need to consider the way you climb the ladder. You should always have at least 3 points of contact with the ladder. If you need to use both your arms, you can use a harness to attach yourself to the ladder. Lastly, consider how far you reach out to the sides from the ladder. If something is out of reach, it is much safer to climb down, reposition the ladder and climb back up than trying to extend yourself too far.

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