This is a time of year when the electricity used in the home is most likely more than at other times. With this in mind, we thought some electrical safety reminders were a good idea.

Here are some reminders:

  • Sometimes, especially in older homes, there just doesn’t seem to be enough electrical outlets. Be very careful not to overload them. You should also be careful not to do the same when it comes to extension cords either.
  • In order to prevent electrocution, make sure that you keep electrical appliances away from anything wet, particularly areas such as the bathroom or a wet floor.
  • Added heating is required when the weather gets colder. Just be careful to keep things like curtains, clothing or any other combustible items a good three feet away from space heaters.
  • Check the location of overhead power lines when working outside of the house, especially if you are on a roof or ladder. Avoid working in that area. Also avoid digging in areas that could have underground power lines.
  • Are you planning on using string lights? Do a thorough check of them before using, especially if you have had them in storage. Rodents love to chew on electrical wires, so look for signs of this.
  • It is particularly important to keep an eye on children and make sure they don’t have easy access to potentially dangerous electrical appliances or plug outlets. Its best to put safety plugs in unused outlets.

We know that these reminders are not new, but its important to keep them in mind. If you are not sure whether the electrical system in your home is safe or not, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to assist you.

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